Saturday, January 3, 2009

The pin and the AC 3000

The AC 3000 is back and the whole place is full of snow....

The pin is in the Lodge Attic...

It looks like a cookie...

~ waddle on

New Update...

When i log in i saw this cool thing...

This Is what Happy77 said......

Who is your fave mission character and why?
Herbert. Because he reminds me a lot of myself.

What’s the coolest thing about making up mission stories?
There’s no such thing as an idea that’s too crazy.

Perhaps most importantly, what’s your favorite kind of candy?
Anything with peanut butter in it.

~waddle on

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy77 talks to mission writer!

Happy77 talks about mission 10...
- go to this site:
Happy New Year to all penguins!!!